May, Homeward Bound Discussion Questions  

Ch. 1-4

Evaluate May’s evidence (take a look at footnotes).  What kind of evidence does she utilize?  How reliable is this?  Are there any concerns or questions one might have regarding her evidence?

Ch. 1

How did status of women in the US and USSR play a role in Cold War competition between the two nations?

How did the home play a role in confronting the Cold War?

How did family life change for many families after WWII?


Ch. 2
What impact did the depression have on family and marriage and how did popular culture portray women?

What worked against the opportunity for increasing equality and emancipation of women during the depression era?

Overall, how did the depression thus affect men and women during the 1950s?

Ch. 3
How did WWII affect women’s status and general attitudes about women?

What were the postwar prospects for women in terms of education, employment, and new independent status?

How did postwar society affect men and how did the home provide them a way to respond?


Ch. 4
According to May, what were the connections between sexuality and the Cold War?

How did society attempt to control youth sexuality?

How could women help bring victory in the Cold War?

Why was sexual fulfillment significant according to May?