WWII / Origins of The Cold War
Purpose: The purpose of this presentation is to make students aware of the key people, places, and events surrounding World War II. It will also help students to understand the U.S. involvement in the War and U.S. reaction to the War. This presentation also sets up the origins of the Cold War, with an emphasis on important documents and political movements of the era.
            11.7, 11.8, 11.9.1-11.9.3
Origins of the War (WWII)
            Hitler invades Poland violating The Treaty of Versailles
            Japan invades China à U.S. sanctions on Japan
            The Depression sharpened international tensions
            The Good Neighbor Policy destabilized German and Japanese economic         endeavors
            The isolationist attitude that was born out of WWI lasted until Pearl Harbor
            Lend-Lease Act
            Significance: It is important to understand the key event preceding the war             to fully realize how things unfolded and how and why the U.S. became             involved.
U.S Entry into the War
            Pearl Harbor
            American Draft
            Significance: Because of the attack by Japan the U.S. was forced to enter the             war with a strong effort to defeat the axis powers. The American draft is key        to understanding the demographic changes at home.
Fighting the War
            Major Battles
            Midway (June 3-6, 1942)
            Battle of the Bulge (December 16, 1944 - January 25, 1945)
            Iwo Jima (February 19 - March 16, 1945)
            (Movies: Flags of our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima)
            Normandy: D-Day (June 6 - August 25, 1944)
            Battle of Okinawa
            Technology as a weapon
            WASPS, Radar, Atomic Bomb
            Significance: The battle of Midway was the first U.S. resistance against the    Japanese and winning gave the U.S. more control over the Pacific. Major           battles won by the U.S. helped strengthen the U.S. weaken the axis powers.      The technological advances changed the way that war was fought
The Home Front
            Images of the enemy
            New jobs
            Women during the War
            Rosie the Riveter
            War Gardens
            Significance: Propaganda and changing gender images helped raise morale             and gain support for the war.
African-Americans During the War
            The Double-Victory Campaign
            Jim Crow Restaurants and Theaters:
            The Fellowship of Reconciliation's Committee
            Washington D.C.-Howard University
            African-American Service Members: The Black Eagles
            Racists Attitudes Towards Black Defense Jobs
            FDR issues executive order forbidding discrimination in defense jobs
            Significance: While Anti-African sentiments continued along with the Jim      Crow Laws throughout the war many Americans failed to acknowledge the        vital role African-Americans played in not only defense jobs but battles as well. 
Japanese Discrimination
            Japanese-American Discrimination Pre-War
            Japanese-American Discrimination Post-Pearl Harbor
            Executive Order 9066: Japanese-American Internment in February 1942 by FDR
            Executive Order 9066
            Bataan Death March April 1942
            Significance: It is important to understand that there were many Anti-Asian             sentiments prior to Pearl Harbor that were only perpetuated by the bombing.    Within that, there were still Japanese-Americans willing to fight.  Also,     comparing and contrasting the Internment Camps to Concentration Camps of        Nazi Germany would be helpful.   
Japanese-Americans on the Battlefront
            Japanese-Americans in the Armed Services During WWII: The 442nd   Regimental Combat Team
            Japanese Americans During the War
Other Minorities during WWII
            Native Americans
            Marine Navajo Code Talkers
            The “Zoot Suit” Riots PBS: The Press and The Riot
            Significance: Understanding that while young Mexican Americans were        targeted, Native Americans were one of the few minority groups not       discriminated against during the war years and played a major role in          American success. 
The U.S Reaction to the Holocaust
            Hitler’s “Final Solution” is originally met with disbelief then horror
            Allies refuse to Bomb Death Camps because too many civilian casualties may            occur
            After D-Day tons of soldiers and supplies etc. rolled through Normandy many          who ended up liberating Nazi Death Camps
            PBS: America and the Holocaust
            Significance: The U.S. was slow to react to the Holocaust and it is still             debated today as to whether or not more could have been done to hinder the         length and severity of the Holocaust. The true horrors were not realized until      it was over.
Ending the War in the European Theatre
            Germany Surrender’s in various place throughout Europe In late April and   early May of 1945
            May 7th German Unconditional Surrender
            Significance: German forces were unable to continue fighting due to lack of             resources and manpower, which eventually led to their unconditional surrender.
Ending the War in the Pacific Theatre
            Manhattan Project U.S. Department of Energy
            Hiroshima “Little Boy”
            Nagasaki “Fat Man”
            Truman Drops the Bomb
            Japanese Surrender on
            August 15, 1945
            Significance: While the bombings successfully ended the War with Japan,     they were the only times the atomic bombs were used due to the detrimental       effects then and that are still trying to be understood today. 
Building a New World
            Yalta Conference
            February 1945
            Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt
            League of Nations replaced by United Nations
            World Bank, GATT, IMF, IDHR
            Significance: The Yalta Conference set up the vision for the post-war world.             The United Nations was a peace-keeping organization that replaced the     League of Nations.
Origins of the Cold War
            Ideological competition/Differing Goals in Post-War World
                        •Grand Alliance to Containment
                        •U.S. and Soviet Union
            Kennan’s Long Telegram
            Churchill’s “Iron Curtain”
            National Security
            Truman Doctrine
             Marshall Plan
            U.S. Policy of Containment
            Significance: The changes in ideology following WWII set up foreign             relations and tensions in the post-war world. Also, the growing concern over       the spread of communism began to change the political landscape in the U.S.           and how the U.S. perceived the world. This eventually led to a major arms             race.
Cold War Defense Strategy
            Nuclear Strategy throughout Cold War
            Collective Security
            National Security Act of 1947
            Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Council
            Berlin Airlift
            NSC- 68
            Korean War
            Significance: U.S. involvement with NATO violated the Washingtonian ideal   of isolation. The NSA began to change the way the U.S. interacted globally.      The global fight against communism began with the Berlin Airlift and the             involvement in the Korean War.
Students will analyze and view different propaganda posters and political cartoons from the World War II era. In groups they will determine the purpose, key themes, possible audience, and significance of the images. Ask students if the images furthered or hindered the war effort or morale.