From Turning the Other Cheek to Black Power

Race, Rights, and the 1960s

Black Power

Cassius Clay and Howard University’s Homecoming

Stories of Black Power

Malcolm X

Nation of Islam

Mecca experience

Black Power Arrives

Origins of Black Power

SNCC and King

Meredith Walk and Stokely Carmichael

Black Power

sense of pride

build and celebrate black culture

amass pol and econ. power of black community

Out of the South: Black Panthers

Watts Riots (1965)

Black Panthers

Seale and Newton

10 point program (jobs, exemption from military service, end police brutality

Success and failure

grew too quick; changing ideas; repression

Chicano Movement

Chavez and UFW

Brown Berets

La Raza Unida

Chicano Park (1970)

                                                            Red Power

Termination Policy


Red Power


Urbanization and Politics

Indians for All Tribes

Alcatraz Island (1969)

American Indian Movement

Wounded Knee


Feminism and Liberation in Postwar America

Second Wave of Feminism

Second Wave of Feminism


JFK’s Presidential Commission

documented discrimination

Betty Friedan’s "The Feminist Mystique"

the problem without a name

Civil Rights and New Left experiences

recognizing oppression

Women’s Rights v. Women’s Lib


uWomen’s Rights

end legal and educational discrimination

National Organization for Women

uWomen’s Lib

origins in New Left and Civ. Rts.

Consciousness raising

challenged social/cultural oppression


Feminism in the 70s


Radical Feminism

SCUM Manifesto

Rights and Lib movements blur

Roe v. Wade (1973)

Equal Rights Amendment

Weaknesses and Failures


middle class bias

failure to integrate other races

Gay Liberation


Stonewall Inn Riot



The Year the Dream Died


Tet Offensive

"light at the end of the tunnel"

January 30 uprising

Public reaction



Democratic Primary in New Hampshire

Clean Gene McCarthy

LBJ drops out of presidential race

My Lai Massacre

MLK assassination


Summer 1968

RFK Assassination


1968 Democratic National Convention

Daley and "the whole world is watching"

Image of Democratic party in disarray


Fall 1968

Miss America Pageant and Women’s Liberation

1968 Mexico City Olympics and Black Power

John Carlos, Tommy Smith

1968 Presidential Election

Wallace Campaign
