Backlash: Nixon, Politics of Polarization, and Vietnam


Nixon and Polarization

Bring the People Together

uPhillips strategy

uSouthern strategy

uRise of the Sunbelt region

uCourt south

uDesegregation and Supreme Court

uAttack liberals

uEnemies List




Archie Bunker’s World

uDemise of the Postwar Economy

upostindustrial economy

uJapanese/Germ competition

uWhite working class response

uBoston and Busing

uDemise of 60s working—class liberalism


Nixon and Vietnam

uPromise to end war

uyet get “peace with honor”


ubring troops home/increase air war

uCambodia bombings

uKent State

uChristmas Bombing (1972)

uTruce-1973; Fall of Saigon-1975


The Fall of a President


Nixon and Detente


äImpact of Vietnam

äKissinger and ‘back channels”

äNormalized relations (1972)


äSALT 1 Treaty



Nixon’s New Federalism

nRise of the Environmental Movement and EPA

äSilent Spring (1962)

äSanta Barbara Oil Spill

nNew Federalism

äreverse flow of money and resources away from fed. gov’t and back to states/cities

äRevenue Sharing Act (1972)

block grants of funds given to states and cities &  let them spend it as they want



Watergate Break-in


äCover up Begins

ä1972 Election

nTrial, Hearings, and Tapes

äSaturday Night  Massacre


The End of a President

nImpeachment begins


nResignation (August 9, 1974)


nSignificance of Watergate

äCongress limits pres. power

äCampaign reform

äFreedom of Information Act

äWidens gap of distrust of gov’t



The 70s, the New Right, and the end of the New Millennium

The 70s Malaise

uDomestic Problems

uEconomy, OPEC, and Oil

upessimism increases


Deteriorating Environment and a New Dance Craze

uEnergy Policy and the American West


uLove Canal


uThree-Mile Island



Peanut Farmer as President: Jimmy Carter

uThe Outsider as President


uCarter’s Foreign policy

uMiddle East

uPanama Canal

uHostage Crisis


Ronald Reagan and the New Right

uReagan’s Background


uRise of New Right

usocial issues, 60s, and anger politics

uabortion, feminism, prayer,

uSunbelt and Anti-gov’t sentiment

uEvangelical Christianity


uFalwell’s Moral Majority

uConservative Think Tanks

uHeritage Foundation

uProp 13 and Bakke Decision


Reagan Revolution

u1980 Election and a New Sheriff

uReagan Democrats

uless gov’t, win Cold War, cut taxes



Reagan Revolution

uVietnam Syndrome and Evil Empire

uGrenada and Nicaragua



uYuppies, Wall Street, and the Crash


The End of the Cold War



uBerlin Wall

uBush and Desert Storm


America in the New Millennium

uRodney King and the LA Riots


u1992 Election and New  Politics


uClinton and the New Millennium


uSeptember 11th and New Cold War?